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Creating Perfect Systems For Stressful Situations

Happy Thursday everyone, hope you enjoyed this week’s book summary!

Mistakes, failures, and preparation is the topic for today!

The goal of this week’s newsletter is to help you lower the number of mistakes and failures that you make on a day-to-day basis.

The penalty for mistakes can be deadly and time-consuming as Richard Dawkins said in the book The Selfish Gene.

"Survival Machines that can simulate the future are one jump ahead of survival machines who can only learn on the basis of overt trial and error”

The problem with overt trial is that it takes time and energy, and errors can be fatal.

I want to introduce a system I learned from one of my millionaire mentors that completely changed my views on how I approach life.

The F-22 system. This exercise says you don’t have any single points of failure.

A system where you plan things ahead of time.

After I learned this I put it to use and saw immediate changes in my life!

Start by always planning for 3 scenarios, doesn’t matter what. It can be for your career, health, or social life.

Plan for the absolute best case scenario, the worst case scenario, and lastly think about what’s most likely to happen in this situation and make a plan for that.

For example, the best case scenario is you start a business and 2 years later you sell it for millions of bucks.

You prepare for this ahead of time by knowing how to offer, negotiate terms, legally sell a company, etc.

Now the worst case everything goes downhill, you lose all your money, your husband or wife leaves, and you’re getting sued.

In this case, how would you rebuild? Run it through your head and make a plan for that!

This gets you prepared for everything, no matter what’s coming your way.

Keep your eyes open, keep watching, and expect things to go wrong and then they won’t.

“Prepare for what’s difficult when it’s easy” - Lao Tsu

Don’t start preparing the moment things hit the fan. It’ll already be too late.

A financial crisis hits? No worries you’re prepared with runaway cash in the bank ahead of time.

We’re in a recession right now and tech giants are laying off thousands of people.

How many of those people do you think prepared themselves for this moment?

You might say “this is so negative, thinking about this isn’t going to make me happy”.

You’re right But like the billionaire Charlie Munger said:

Planning ahead of time won’t make you less happy because when forces outside of your control begin to come down on you, guess what?

You’ll be prepared, you’ll survive!

I’ll leave you with this great story on Louis Zamperini the American war veteran who crashed into the middle of the Pacific during WW2 and was stuck out there for 47 days!

While stranded in the pacific they were attacked by the Japanese who started shooting at them, but you know what Louie did?

He paid attention in training class before stepping foot inside a plane.

In training, he learned that bullets only go 3ft into the water so when the Japanese started shooting he jumped into the water and went deep, and held his breath.

He was fighting sharks and avoiding bullets at the same time!

Do you see? He was already prepared for a moment like that to hit him and because of that he survived!

This is a true story, by the way, great biography on Zamperini called Unbroken.

Would highly recommend it!

I’ll leave you with this quote and as always hope you guys enjoy your weekend, see you next week!

“I spent my whole life preparing for the worst and it has made me happier” - Charlie Munger


How will you put this strategy to use? What can you start to prepare for now so you can be ready for it later on?

Leave a comment below!

P.S. I post daily tweets on frameworks, guidelines, and overall great thought's I learn from mentors ahead of me.

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