Is College a Scam?

Is College a Scam?

Happy Thursday everyone!

Hope you guys are having an amazing week!

Let’s get straight into it.

So is college a scam?

If you live in the modern world, I highly suggest you ask for your money back for your education.

I think the top 3 scams in America start with the food industry, the healthcare industry, and the education system.

The education system should have a refund policy.

Junior high, high school, and a lot of universities for a lot of people.

I read somewhere that about forty-eight million U.S. borrowers collectively owed more than $1.6 trillion in federal student loans.

That’s more than auto loans and credit card debt!!!!

Personally, I don’t know anything or remember anything from college.

I only went for one semester and all I remember from it was… nothing.

And that’s when it hit me…

A big reason why people graduate and leave school not knowing or remembering anything is that they’re learning pointless stuff that doesn’t matter in the modern world.

The brain is like your muscle, you use it or lose it.

That’s the use it or lose it tendency, a very strong cognitive bias in our brain.

If you’re not constantly using the information you’re learning, you’ll forget it.

So why don’t we learn useful things?

Skills that we’ll need to survive in the modern world.

Skills like self-defense, learning how to box, and jujitsus?

These give you strength and help you learn how to overcome and push through obstacles.

Mental fortitude comes from physical things.

Nowadays you let kids run around the track three times and can’t figure out why obesity is a problem.

How about teaching kids to play a musical instrument?

How about letting kids read INTERESTING books?

I read a book a week and people are like that’s impossible.

Yeah maybe because we went through the school system and they made us read stupid stuff…

The average person that goes through high school and college doesn’t read a non-fiction book again for over 1-3 years.

Instead of learning calculus all day, teach kids to read a book.

To self-educate.

Not everyone can be an engineer.

How about letting kids have an investment portfolio, and teaching them how to invest and manage money from a young age?

How about a class on memorization?

Schools make you memorize for tests but there’s no class on learning to memorize things with mental tricks.

How about learning how to read people?

Learning to read mental illness so you don’t make friends with someone who ends up stabbing you in the back?

Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Well, education in schools hasn’t changed, and therefore nothing has changed.

Not to say that no one goes through the school system and doesn’t find success.

Of course, there are some.

But those people would’ve probably been successful in anything.

This newsletter is for the ones that are forgotten.

Creativity, memorization, public speaking, taxes, and how to invest in the stock market.

Just some of the many topics that should be taught in school.

Yet, they aren’t…

So what should be done?

What’s the solution?

Honestly, I don’t know what the solution is but there’s a way to adjust.

Times are changing and here’s how you can set yourself apart with the New Trillion-Dollar Economy.

The New Trillion-Dollar Economy

The school system is a trillion wire dollar industry.

But it’s flawed…

So how can you adapt when times are changing?

Sell your expertise.

In the modern world, everything is moving online, even in education.

Selling knowledge and information is the simplest business to start from home or online.

And if you’re a self-improvement/learning junkie like myself, you’ll actually enjoy this lane.

It’s the main reason why I started this newsletter/book club.

I read a book a week and I’m learning so many new things that I wanted to pass on all those good ideas that changed my life.

I’m learning with you guys which I think is the cool part.

I’m not claiming to know it all or be the expert.

I’m actually learning and on this quest with you.

Constant education and learning are crucial for selling your knowledge.

The more you know the more you have to talk about.

So learn something new every week whether it’s history, food, culture, social, health, or finances.

Whatever it is, learn about it and start creating content around what you’ve learned.

There’s always somebody out there that doesn’t know what you know…

How To Sell Your Knowledge In 2023

How to sell your knowledge, 2023 is the year.

Although I would say it is becoming tricky because of how saturated is getting, you can still find ways to stand out.

One way you can stand out from the crowd is by sharing value for FREE.

Building a community, and then making money by upselling other products you create.

After so much value you’ve shared, you’ll have credibility and people would want to buy from you if it’s valuable and it helps them.

Upgraded packages or premium features.

But you have to make sure what you’re building and charging for is worth it.

Or you can also even partner up with someone and build with them.

Just don’t come out charging money without a brand name.

It won’t work and it gets tough as people don’t trust you.

Build a free community first or a super cheap one.

Don’t be afraid to give things away for free.

Even big brands do this by giving out samples.

Humans are risk averse, so it’s just the best way to go about it from a psychological standpoint.

Final Thoughts

Step 1: Get answers and improve yourself.

Step 2: Share what you did.

Step 3: Help others improve themselves with those answers.

That’s my formula.

I have yet to see someone fail when they don’t skip these.

Especially step 2.

Learn from smart people, buy some books, and find some mentors.

I’m taking my education back, and you should too.

Leaving you with this quote and as always guys enjoy your weekend!

“Formal education will make you a living, but self-education will make you a fortune”

Jim Rohn


In which area can you start selling your knowledge and how will you go about it?

Leave a comment below!

P.S. I post daily tweets on frameworks, guidelines, and overall great thought's I learn from mentors ahead of me.

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